Ark Family Eco – House

Ark Family Eco- House





Ark Family Eco-House 

Ark Family Eco-House ©2007 STUDIO JA JACOBS with Thoma Holz100 building system, the first cradle to cradle house build in Finland.
The system received the gold Cradle to Cradle award.

We created the ARK Family Home in Petsmo (Finland) in an area that is not very accessible and where we found the nature to be overwhelming beautiful. What we wanted is for the house to become free from its surroundings, whilst at the same time we were very conscious not to block the view to the sea. We decided to raise the house and place it on a plateau with poles. We designed these poles to be as wide as the trees that surrounded the building, to create a visual harmony allowing the poles to blend into the landscape. On a bright sunny day when you saw the blue colour of the water and the blue colour of the sky, the house would appear to be ‘floating’ on the sea. During the winter months when the sky is a dark grey and the sea would be a similar grey the house would appear to be ‘floating’ in the sky.

1. Thoma Wood100

Wood100 surrounds its inhabitants with the pure magic of trees. It forms a building envelope which promotes health and vitality, and which is made of 100% natural, locally source softwood sustainably harvested during the waning moon phase. Wood100 is 100% free of wood preservatives and glue. Instead, Holz100 takes advantage of wood’s natural energy and effects. The Wood100 houses are made of 100% wood and surrounds its inhabitants with the pure magic of trees. These houses promote health and transmit vitality.



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