Jan Jacobs


Jan Jacobs is a visual artist, silver smith and co-founder of Studio Ja Jacobs based in Amsterdam(NL) He started his education at the school for mechanical engineering in Heerlen (NL) before continuing to study the art of silversmithing at the vocational school in Schoonhoven.

As a silversmith Jan Jacobs had several exhibitions in The Netherlands, one of them in the Singer Museum in Laren (NL) and the Fine Art Fair in Amsterdam (NL). From 1992 he started to make sculptural work and began to design the exterior and interior of houses. Besides Studio Jajacobs he co-founded Workstation West, an art collective of theatre makers and visual artists.





“I created the statue Tomorrows in a time when we were busy relocating. In a time of departure, it is very hard to think of anything else then leaving. The move took almost two years, my wife and daughters were already in a new environment whilst I was still taking care of the old one. During this period I collected newspaper clippings of the weather report as a reminder to myself to be a patient man.




“The statue ‘Transformation’ was made during the time that we were creating the gallery space. I used the left-over wood from the building site which I wrapped in felt. A theme of my work is juxtaposing materials, in this case the softness of the felt against the hardness of the wood.

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