Beakers – by Jan Jacobs

Photographed by Sammi Landweer


All of Jan’s silver beakers are made from one piece of silver and are formed by hand hammering – ‘plannishing’ – the silver with steel hammers to give them a finely ‘dappled’ finish. In 2018 Jan began to research and question the re-appearing image of the enamel beaker in documentaries of third world countries.  It’s inherent connection to daily life makes the beaker a tool of necessity, giving it a value which western society can hardly relate to. By handcrafting a representation of the enamel beakers in silver, it challenges us to reconsider our own connection to these objects and emphasises the beauty of the everyday utensil. The silver beakers range in size and form and can be purchased individually or as part of a set.

Read more about this project here>

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